UBIWARE javadoc

This website contains the javadoc of the UBIWARE project. The UBIWARE code base is divided in several parts which are separately documented.

The documentation is separated as follows:


The ubiware DB project does not have any java documentation because it solely consists of roles and scripts in s-apl.


The ubiware core project contains the very core of the agent platform including the actual agents, the basic classes for behaviors, etc. the core can be used without infrastructure to get a bare-bone platform. The documentation can be found on the Ubiware core documentation page.


The ubiware infrastructure project contains the components of the infrastructure used in ubiware. This includes all the code needed for the infrastructure agents. The infrastructure adds components like web interaction, user management, policy management, package management, and ubiware directory facilitation. The documentation can be found on the Ubiware infrastructure documentation page.


The ubiware lib project contains the external libraries used by the ubiware project. The main libraries used are:


The ubiware ontologies project contains the java representations for the resources which are in use platform.

The documentation can be found on the Ubiware ontologies documentation page.


The ubiware rdf2bean project contains classes used to convert rdf to java bean classes and vise versa. The framework is however incomplete and contains custom classes for the uiware platform. People interested in this type of framework are advised to look at other alternatives like http://jastor.sourceforge.net/ and http://rdf2java.opendfki.de/ . The sub-project is preserved because some parts of the platform have dependencies on it.

The documentation can be found on the Ubiware rdf2bean documentation page.


The ubiware sapl project contains the classes needed to create S-APL in an efficient way inside Java.

The documentation can be found on the Ubiware sapl documentation page.


The ubiware shared project contains Reusable Atomic Behaviors (RAB) which are delivered with the platform. RAB's are small pieces of Java code which an agent can execute from inside S-APL.

The documentation can be found on the Ubiware shared documentation page.


The ubiware startup project contains classes which parse the rdf description of the platform and then start the requested platform. The documentation can be found on the Ubiware startup documentation page.