Thanks to the Round Table (23 February, 2001) Kharkov City Administration became interested in results of our project and decided to meet our Finnish partners and to set relations with Jyvaskyla City Administration. Rector of our University visited University of Jyvaskyla in April 2001 and within that visit he has meeting with Major of Jyvaskyla and Head of City International Office and talked about perspectives of relationships and co-operation of two cities in education and research fields on the city level.
International Scientific-Methodological Conference (Dnepropetrovsk, 15 May 2001). There was the representatives of Tacis/Tempus projects of the most of Ukrainian Universities of Lviv, Kharkov, Mykolaiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Kyrovograd, Zaporizya, Donetsk, Odessa, Poltava, Sevastopol, Vinitsa, as well as their partners from EU universities: University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany), Surrey and Sunderland (the Great Britain), Centre Français de documentation et de formation (France), Central European University (Hungary). Our presentation "The New Framework for the M. Sc. Thesis Work: Applying European Experience to Higher Education in Ukraine" generated the great interest of participants, especially the presentation of Credit Transfer Scheme that was developed during first year of project.
The International Workshop "The New Framework for the M.Sc. Thesis Work" (KNURE, Kharkov, Ukraine, 8-9 October 2001) with representatives of all consortium universities. The target audience of the workshop was representatives of many technical universities all over the Ukraine. The current state of Higher Education in Ukraine in comparison to Europe was set. The Tempus project UM_CP-20560-1999 was introduced, the main results were shown. The impact of project implementation into education process in the Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics was analysed. Our experience get interested a lot our Ukrainian colleagues who took part in the Workshop. Representatives of EU Universities and Co-ordinator himself, Prof. Timo Tiihonen (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland), shared their experience and took part in discussions.
EAIE Information Market exhibition was working in Tampere during 6-8 December within the 13th Annual EAIE Conference. We rented part of space of the stand 48 of Ukrainian Center for International Education. Our project team presented printed dissemination materials with project results and experience of project implementation in the international education. During the exhibition we met and talked with conference participants (national educational centres, representatives of the best universities from over the word and European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture) about the project, its results and promoted our future plans. We have got feedback from the European universities with invitations for the future collaboration with our University.