Current Project Results


Outcome 1: The Set of Manuals for Managing M.Sc. Thesis work.

Outcome is finished, revised and approved.
Download PostScript.

Outcome 2: The Set of Manuals for Accounting Credits for Courses and Projects.

Outcome is finished, revised and approved.
Download PostScript.

Outcome 3: The Set of Manuals for Management of Students' Practical Placements.

Outcome is finished, revised and approved.
Download Pdf.

Outcome 4: Dissemination of Project Results.

Planned activities are finished, revised and approved. Project team continuing dissemination.

Local Dissemination.
National Dissemination.
International Dissemination.
Publications of Project Results.
Distribution of Project Materials.
Press Conferences and Releases.
Project Web Site.

Added value: Web-based consulting system for credit transfer and course recognition

September 2. Report draft. PDF File.
Presentation: 9 August 00. XML Technology for credit transfer.
Data structures and sample documents
Related staff: a simple example, presentations and suporting materials

Added value: Project Implementation

Student Exchange Based on Credit Transfer Agreement with University of Jyvaskyla.
Student Exchange Based on Credit Transfer Agreement with Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam.