FIMECC SHOK: Intelligent Solutions
i-Cloud project proposal (2009)
(Intelligence Cloud Factory for Intelligent Product Manufacturers)
The main project objective is to design a Web-based portal with high-level intelligent services for FIMECC industrial
partners according to cloud computing architecture. Such portal will operate as an "Intelligence Cloud Factory" (ICF), i.e. ICF will be able to
automatically access online and offline data through embedded systems and sensor networks from various products of an industrial manufacturer,
then based on this data automatically build models (e.g. neural networks, bayesian predictors, etc.) for diagnostics, prediction, etc., then
automatically wrap these models to the form of Web-services and finally automatically create infrastructure of a "cloud" from these services for
further intelligent support of the target products (see Figure 1). The pilot implementation of the ICF will be tested and demonstrated on the case
of Metso "Cloud of Intelligent Services" and similar on the Ruukki case. Project objectives and selected ICF architecture will be based on smart
combination of following emerging concepts, related technologies and available tools:
Web of Services (Cloud Computing, Service-Oriented Architecture);
Web of Things (Ubiquitous Computing, Sensor Networks, Product-Centric Applications, Intelligent Products);
Web 3.0 (Web of Knowledge, Semantic Web and Semantic Technologies);
Web 4.0 (Web of Intelligence, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Agent Technologies, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery, OLAP, etc.).