Publications of Vagan Terziyan


Updated: June 11, 2024

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Vagan Terziyan at ResearchGate


JUFO Publications Statistics:


JUFO_LEVEL = x:  104 papers;

JUFO_LEVEL = 0:   32 papers;

JUFO_LEVEL = 1:   92 papers;

JUFO_LEVEL = 2:   11 papers;

JUFO_LEVEL = 3:     3 papers.


TOTAL:   242 publications





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Edited Books and Book Chapters



Terziyan, V., Golovianko, M., & Gryshko, S. (2018). Industry 4.0 Intelligence under Attack: From Cognitive Hack to Data Poisoning. In: K. Dimitrov (Ed.), Cyber Defence in Industry 4.0 Systems and Related Logistics and IT Infrastructure (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series D: Information and Communication Security, Vol. 51, pp. 110-125). IOS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 5548; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Brief presentation of the Cognitive Hack and Data Poisoning in the context of Industry 4.0 is here).




Cochez, M., Periaux, J., Terziyan, V., & Tuovinen T. (2018). Agile Deep Learning UAVs Operating in Smart Spaces: Collective Intelligence vs. “Mission-Impossible”. In: P. Dies et al. (Eds.), Computational Methods and Models for Transport - New Challenges for the Greening of Transport Systems (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 45, pp. 31-53). Springer.


(JUFO_ID = 79940; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Dobko, T., Golovianko, M., Kaikova, O., Terziyan, V., & Tiihonen, T. (Eds.). (2014). Імператив якості: вчимося цінувати і оцінювати вищу освіту. (Quality Matters: How to Value and Evaluate Higher Education), 572 pp. Lviv: Publisher Company Manuscript.




Gryshko, S., Dobko, T., Kaikova, O., Terziyan, V., & Tiihonen, T. (Eds.). (2014). Від контролю до культури якості: перезавантаження процесів забезпечення якості в українській вищій школі. ("We Share because we Care": Reloading the Processes of Quality Assurance in the Ukrainian Higher Education), 168 pp. Lviv: Publisher Company Manuscript.




Ermolayev, V., Akerkar, R., Terziyan, V., & Cochez M. (2013). Towards Evolving Knowledge Ecosystems for Big Data Understanding. In: R. Akerkar (Ed.), Big Data Computing (pp. 3-56). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis.

(JUFO_ID = 6003; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).

(Full text of the chapter from




Santos, M. Y., & Terziyan, V. (Eds.). (2011). BUSTECH-2011: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology (65 pp.). IARIA XPS Press, ISBN: 978-1-61208-160-1




Kesaniemi, J., & Terziyan, V. (2011). Agent-Environment Interaction in MAS - Introduction and Survey. In: F. Alkhateeb (Ed.), Multi-Agent Systems - Modeling, Interactions, Simulations and Case Studies (pp. 203-226). IntechOpen.

(JUFO_ID = 7044; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Katasonov, A., & Terziyan, V. (2010). Using Semantic Technology to Enable Behavioural Coordination of Heterogeneous Systems. In: G. Wu (Ed.), Semantic Web (pp. 135-156). IntechOpen.

(JUFO_ID = 7044; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Nagy, M., Katasonov, A., Khriyenko, O., Nikitin, S., Szydlowski, M., & Terziyan, V. (2009). Challenges of Middleware for the Internet of Things. In: A. Rodic (Ed.),  Automation and Control - Theory and Practice (pp. 247-270). IntechOpen.

(JUFO_ID = 7044; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Terziyan, V. (2009). Semantic Web Services for Smart Devices Based on Mobile Agents. In: D. Taniar (Ed.), Mobile Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 630-641). IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 5478; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Katasonov, A. (2009). Global Understanding Environment: Applying Semantic and Agent Technologies to Industrial Automation. In: M. D. Lytras, & P. O. De Pablos (Eds.), Emerging Topics and Technologies in Information Systems (pp. 55-87). IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 5478; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Ermolayev, V., Keberle, N., Kononenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2007). Proactively Composing Web Services as Tasks by Semantic Web Agents. In: L. J. Zang (Ed.), Modern Technologies in Web Services Research (pp. 217-246). IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 5478; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V. (2007). Challenges of the “Global Understanding Environment” based on Agent Mobility. In: V. Sugumaran (Ed.), Application of Agents and Intelligent Information Technologies (pp. 121-152). IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 5478; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Kovtun, D., Naumenko, A., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2007). General Adaptation Framework: Enabling Interoperability for Industrial Web Resources. In: A. Sheth, & M. Lytras (Eds.), Semantic Web-Based Information Systems: State-of-the-Art Applications (pp. 61-97). IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 5478; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Ermolayev, V., Terziyan, V., & Kaykova, H. (2006). SW @ Ukraine. In: M. Lytras (Ed.), Semantic Web Fact Book 2005 (pp. 13-17). AIS SIGSEMIS.




Bramer, M. A., & Terziyan, V. (Eds.). (2005). Industrial Applications of Semantic Web: Proceedings of the 1st International IFIP/WG12.5 Working Conference on Industrial Applications of Semantic Web, August 25-27, 2005 Jyvaskyla, Finland (322 pp.). ISBN 978-0-387-28568-9. Springer, Boston, MA.

(JUFO_ID = 5952; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).




Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (2000). Reasoning with Multilevel Contexts in Semantic Metanetworks. In: P. Bonzon, M. Cavalcanti, & R. Nossun (Eds.), Formal Aspects in Context (Applied Logic Series, Vol. 20, pp. 107-126). Kluwer Academic Publishers.  

(JUFO_ID = 5598; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).

(Brief presentation of the Semantic Metanetwork concept is here).




Articles in Scientific Journals



Shukla, A.K., Terziyan, V., & Tiihonen, T. (2024). AI as a User of AI: Towards Responsible Autonomy. Heliyon, 10(11), e31397. Cell Press.

(JUFO_ID = 84134; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2024). Collaborative Resilience: Taxonomy-Informed Neural Networks for Smart Assets’ Maintenance in Hostile Industry 4.0 Environments. International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 17(2), 16 pp. Inderscience Publishers.

(JUFO_ID = 75240; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Tiihonen, T. (2024). Using Cloning-GAN Architecture to Unlock the Secrets of Smart Manufacturing: Replication of Cognitive Models. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 890-902. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., Terziian, A., & Vitko, O. (2024). Creative and Adversarial Cellular Automata for Simulating Resilience in Industry 5.0. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 1491-1502. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Kaikova, O., & Terziyan, V. (2024). Deep Neural Networks, Cellular Automata and Petri Nets: Useful Hybrids for Smart Manufacturing. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 2334-2346. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., Bilokon, B., & Gavriushenko, M. (2024). Deep Homeomorphic Data Encryption for Privacy Preserving Machine Learning. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 2201-2212. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2024). Taxonomy-Informed Neural Networks for Smart Manufacturing. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 1388-1399. Elsevier. 

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., Kaikova, O., Golovianko, M., & Vitko, O. (2024). Can ChatGPT Challenge the Scientific Impact of Published Research, Particularly in the Context of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing?. Procedia Computer Science, 232, 2540-2550. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., Malyk, D., Golovianko, M., & Branytskyi, V. (2023). Encryption and Generation of Images for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Smart Manufacturing. Procedia Computer Science, 217, 91-101. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2023). Causality-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Advanced Image Classification and Generation. Procedia Computer Science, 217, 495-506. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., Kaikova, O., Malyk, D., & Branytskyi, V. (2023). The Truth is Out There: Focusing on Smaller to Guess Bigger in Image Classification. Procedia Computer Science, 217, 1323-1334. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Golovianko, M., Terziyan, V., Branytskyi, V., & Malyk, D., (2023). Industry 4.0 vs. Industry 5.0: Co-existence, Transition, or a Hybrid. Procedia Computer Science, 217, 102-113. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., Malyk, D., Golovianko, M., & Branytskyi, V. (2022). Hyper-Flexible Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Generalized Lehmer and Power Means. Neural Networks, 155, 177-203. Elsevier.

                   (JUFO_ID = 63865; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).



Golovianko, M., Gryshko, S., Terziyan, V., & Tuunanen, T. (2022). Responsible Cognitive Digital Clones as Decision Makers: A Design Science Research Study. European Journal of Information Systems. 32(5), 879–901.

(JUFO_ID = 55737; JUFO_LEVEL = 3).



Kaikova, O., Terziyan, V., Tiihonen, T., Golovianko, M., Gryshko, S., & Titova, L. (2022). Hybrid Threats against Industry 4.0: Adversarial Training of Resilience. E3S Web of Conferences, 353, 03004.

(JUFO_ID = 86108; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Kumpulainen, S., & Terziyan, V. (2022). Artificial General Intelligence vs. Industry 4.0: Do They Need Each Other? Procedia Computer Science, 200, 140-150. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2022). Explainable AI for Industry 4.0: Semantic Representation of Deep Learning Models. Procedia Computer Science, 200, 216-226. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Branytskyi, V., Golovianko, M., Malyk, D., & Terziyan, V. (2022). Generative Adversarial Networks with Bio-Inspired Primary Visual Cortex for Industry 4.0. Procedia Computer Science, 200, 418-427. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).



Branytskyi, V., Golovianko, M., Gryshko, S., Malyk, D., Terziyan, V., & Tuunanen, T. (2022). Digital Clones and Digital Immunity: Adversarial Training Handles Both. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 18(2), 124-139. Inderscience Publishers. .

(JUFO_ID = 58809; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Kaikova, O. (2021). Neural Networks with Disabilities: An Introduction to Complementary Artificial Intelligence. Neural Computation, 34(1), 255-290. MIT Press Direct. 

 (JUFO_ID = 63861; JUFO_LEVEL = 3).




Terziyan, V., & Nikulin, A. (2021). Semantics of Voids within Data: Ignorance-Aware Machine Learning. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(4), 246.

(JUFO_ID = 76096; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Girka, A., Terziyan, V., Gavriushenko, M., & Gontarenko, A. (2021). Anonymization as Homeomorphic Data Space Transformation for Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning. Procedia Computer Science, 180, 867-876. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., Gryshko, S., & Golovianko, M. (2021). Taxonomy of Generative Adversarial Networks for Digital Immunity of Industry 4.0 Systems. Procedia Computer Science, 180, 676-685. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Golovianko, M., Gryshko, S., Terziyan, V., & Tuunanen, T. (2021). Towards Digital Cognitive Clones for the Decision-Makers: Adversarial Training Experiments. Procedia Computer Science, 180, 180-189. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 71301; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., Gavriushenko, M., Girka, A., Gontarenko, A., & Kaikova, O. (2021). Cloning and Training Collective Intelligence with Generative Adversarial Networks. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, 3(1), 64-74. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

(JUFO_ID = 89082; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Gavriushenko, M., Kaikova, O., & Terziyan, V. (2020). Bridging Human and Machine Learning for the Needs of Collective Intelligence Development. Procedia Manufacturing, 42, 302-306. Elsevier.

 (JUFO_ID = 82223; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).

(Best paper award).




Terziyan, V., Gryshko, S., & Golovianko, M. (2018). Patented Intelligence: Cloning Human Decision Models for Industry 4.0. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 48 (Part C), 204-217. Elsevier.

 (JUFO_ID = 60916; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V. (2017). Social Distance Metric: From Coordinates to Neighborhoods, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31(12), 2401-2426. Taylor & Francis.

(JUFO_ID = 58467; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).




Cochez, M., Terziyan, V., & Ermolayev, V. (2017). Large Scale Knowledge Matching with Balanced Efficiency-Effectiveness Using LSH Forest. In: N. T. Nguyen, R. Kowalczyk, A. M. Pinto, & J. Cardoso (Eds.), Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXVI (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10190, pp. 46-66). Springer, Cham.

 (JUFO_ID = 82348; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Kaikova, O. (2016). Ontology for Temporal Reasoning based on Extended Allen’s Interval Algebra, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 11(2), 93-109. Inderscience Publishers.

(JUFO_ID = 58633; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Kaikova, O. (2015). The "Magic Square": A Roadmap towards Emotional Business Intelligence. Journal of Decision Systems, 24(3), 255-272. Taylor & Francis.

(JUFO_ID = 60106; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., Golovianko, M., & Shevchenko, O. (2015). Semantic Portal as a Tool for Structural Reform of the Ukrainian Educational System. Information Technology for Development, 21(3), 381-402. Taylor & Francis.

(JUFO_ID = 57864; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., Shevchenko, O., & Golovianko, M. (2014). An Introduction to Knowledge Computing. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 67(1/2), 2014, 27-40.

(JUFO_ID = 70334; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

 (Link to the full text of the paper).




Khriyenko, O., Terziyan, V., Kaikova, O. (2013). End User-Facilitated Interoperability in Internet of Things: Visually-Enriched User-Assisted Ontology Alignment. International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology, 6(1&2), 90-100. IARIA XPS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 75269; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Terziyan, V., & Kaykova, O. (2012). From Linked Data and Business Intelligence to Executable Reality. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 5(1&2), 194-208. IARIA XPS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 70821; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Brief presentation of the concept is here).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V., Katasonov, A., Cardoso, J., Hauswirth, M., & Majumdar, A. (2011). PRIME: Proactive Inter-Middleware for Global Enterprise Resource Integration. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 51(3/12), 2011, 3-16.


(JUFO_ID = 70334; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V., Kaykova, O., & Zhovtobryukh, D. (2010). UbiRoad: Semantic Middleware for Cooperative Traffic Systems and Services. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 3(3&4), 286-302. IARIA XPS Press. (Brief presentation of the concept is here).

(JUFO_ID = 70821; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Brief presentation of the concept is here).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V. (2008). SmartResource – Proactive Self-Maintained Resources in Semantic Web: Lessons learned. International Journal of Smart Home, 2(2), 33-57. Global Vision Press. 

(JUFO_ID = 58812; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Brief presentation of the concept is here).




Naumenko, A., Srirama, S., Terziyan, V., & Jarke, M. (2006). Semantic Authorization of Mobile Web Services. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 1(1), 1-15.

(JUFO_ID = 62007; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Khriyenko, O., Terziyan, V. (2006). A Framework for Context-Sensitive Metadata Description. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 1(2), 154-164. Inderscience Publishers.

(JUFO_ID = 58633; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Veijalainen, J., Terziyan, V., Tirri, H. (2006). Transaction Management for M-Commerce at a Mobile Terminal. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 5(3), 229-245. Elsevier.

(JUFO_ID = 55136; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Naumenko, A., Nikitin, S., & Terziyan, V. (2006). Service Matching in Agent Systems. International Journal of Applied Intelligence, 25(2), 223-237. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

(JUFO_ID = 51492; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Naumenko, A., Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2005). Strategic Industrial Alliances in Paper Industry: XML- vs. Ontology-Based Integration Platforms. The Learning Organization, 12(5), 492-514. Emerald. 

(JUFO_ID = 62552; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




 Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Kovtun, D., Naumenko, A., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2005). General Adaption Framework: Enabling Interoperability for Industrial Web Resources. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 1(3), 31-63. IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 58926; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V. (2005). Semantic Web Services for Smart Devices Based on Mobile Agents. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 1(2), 43-55. IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 58548; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V. (2005). A Bayesian Metanetwork. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 14(3), 371-384. World Scientific.

(JUFO_ID = 58921; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Naumenko, A., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2005). RSCDF: A Dynamic and Context-Sensitive Metadata Description Framework for Industrial Resources. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 15(3), 55-78.

(JUFO_ID = 70334; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Terziyan, V., & Khriyenko, O. (2004). Mobile Agent-Based Web Service Components in Semantic Web. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 8(2), 4-15.

(JUFO_ID = 70334; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Levykin, V., Terziyan V., & Shevchenko, O. (2004). Менеджмент знаний в системе организации и технологии подготовки специалистов на профилирующей кафедре. (Organization and Technology for Educating Specialists at a Profiling Department based on Knowledge Management). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 8(2), 15-19.

(JUFO_ID = 70334; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Kaikova, H., Khriyenko, O., Kononenko, O., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2004). Proactive Self-Maintained Resources in Semantic Web. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 7(1), 4-16.

(JUFO_ID = 70334; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Ermolayev, V., Keberle, N., Plaksin, S., Kononenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2004). Towards a Framework for Agent-Enabled Semantic Web Service Composition. International Journal of Web Services Research, 1(3), 63-87. IGI Global.

(JUFO_ID = 58911; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2003). Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer: Integration and Interoperability in Industry. International Journal of Computers, Systems and Signals, 4(2), 33-46. IAAMSAD.




Terziyan, V. (2003). Intelligent “Mirror Web Browsing” vs. Pull/Push Technology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(1), 4-14.

(JUFO_ID = 70334; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Brief presentation of the concept is here).




Tang, J., Terziyan, V., & Veijalainen, J. (2003). Distributed PIN Verification Scheme for Improving Security of Mobile Devices. Mobile Networks and Applications, 8(2), 159-175. Kluwer Academic Publishers.


(JUFO_ID = 63465; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V. (2002). Ontological Modelling of E-Services to Ensure Appropriate Mobile Transactions. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 11(3), 159-172. John Wiley & Sons.

(JUFO_ID = 70602; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2002). Вероятностные метасети для решения задач интеллектуального анализа данных. (Probabilistic Metanetworks for Intelligent Data Analysis). Artificial Intelligence: Scientific and Theoretical Journal, 3, 188-197. Donetsk Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems. 




Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2001). Интеллектуальное управление информацией в мобильной электронной коммерции. (Intelligent Information Management in Mobile Electronic Commerce). News of Artificial Intelligence: Journal of Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence, 5-6, 26-33.




Terziyan, V., Puuronen, S., & Kaikova, H. (1999). Interval-Based Parameter Recognition with the Trends in Multiple Estimations, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 9(4), 719-731. PLEIADES Publishing.

(JUFO_ID = 71262; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Savolainen, V., & Terziyan, V. (1999). Metapetrinets for Controlling Complex and Dynamic Processes. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 10(1), 13-32.

(JUFO_ID = 85426; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Brief presentation of the concept is here).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V., Tsymbal, A., & Puuronen, S. (1998). The Decision Support System for Telemedicine Based on Multiple Expertise. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 49(2), 217-229. Elsevier.


(JUFO_ID = 58623; JUFO_LEVEL = 3).




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., & Omelayenko, B. (1998). Приобретение знаний множества экспертов: экспериментальное исследование двух стратегий перерасчета рангов. (Experimental Investigation of Two Rank Refinement Strategies for Voting with Multiple Experts). Artificial Intelligence: Scientific and Theoretical Journal, 2, 25-41. Donetsk Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems.




Huebenthal, F., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1997). Подход к интеллектуальной навигации, контроль и распределение в системе управления флотом. (Approach to Intelligent Navigation, Control and Dispatching in Fleet Management System). Интеллектуальные системы (Intelligent Systems), 2(1-4), 12 pp. Moscow State University.




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1997). Представление знаний с помощью семантических метасетей. (Presenting Knowledge Using Semantic Metanetwork). Интеллектуальные системы (Intelligent Systems), 2(1-4), 12 pp. Moscow State University.




Terziyan, V., Tkachuk, A., Tsymbal, A., & Puuronen, S. (1996). Intelligent Medical Diagnostics System Based on Integration of Statistical Methods. Informatica Medica Slovenica, 3(1-3), 109-114. SIMIA.




Bondarenko, M., Grebenyuk, V., & Terziyan, V. (1993). Reasoning Based on the Algebra of Semantic Relations. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 3(4), 488-499. PLEIADES Publishing.

(JUFO_ID = 71262; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Terziyan, V. (1993). Понятие интеллектуальности естественно-языковых систем. (The Concept of Intellectuality of Natural Language Systems). АСУ и приборы автоматики (ASU i Pribory Avtomatiki), 101, 47-54. Kharkiv: OSNOVA. ISSN 0135-1710




Bondarenko, M., Terziyan, V., & Popkov, I. (1992). Метод частичного устранения многозначности синтаксического представления предложения без привлечения семантики. (Syntactical Homonyms Removal Method without Use of Semantics). АСУ и приборы автоматики (ASU i Pribory Avtomatiki), 98, 26-31; 99, 36-42; 100, 8-19. Kharkiv: OSNOVA. ISSN 0135-1710




Terziyan, V., & Popkov, I. (1991). Формализация процесса устранения многозначности синтаксического разбора естественно-языкового высказывания. (A Formalism for Syntactical Homonyms Removal in Natural Language Expressions). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 47, 23-36. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Terziyan, V. (1991). Приобретение знаний в интеллектуальных естественно-языковых системах. (Knowledge Acquisition in Natural Language Systems). Upravlyayushchie Sistemy i Mashiny (Control Systems and Computers), 7, 143-149. Kiev: Naukova Dumka. ISSN 0130-5395




Gerasin, S., Kaikova, H., & Terziyan, V. (1990). Интервальный подход к обработке экспертных мнений: Метод последовательных отсечений. (An Interval-Based Approach to Multiple Experts’ Opinions Processing: Successive Severance Method). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 44, 41-46. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Dzundzjuk, B., Terziyan, V., & Severina, L. (1989). Разработка медицинской экспертной системы на основе дискретной математики. (Development of Expert Health-Protection Systems Based on Discrete Mathematics). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 42, 104-109. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Dzundzjuk, B., & Terziyan, V. (1988). Принципы построения интеллектуального обучаемого естественно-языкового интерфейса для решения задач борьбы с профессиональными заболеваниями. (Principles of Constructing an Intelligent Learning Natural Language Interface for Solving Problems of Combating Occupational Diseases). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 40, 81-88. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Kaikova, H., & Terziyan, V. (1987). Механизм исследования временных последовательностей в естественно-языковых текстах. (A Mechanism of Temporal Sequences Investigation in Texts). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 39, 25-34. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Terziyan, V. (1985). Принципы организации анализа естественно-языковых высказываний в системах общения пользователей с ЭВМ. (Principles of Natural Language Analysis Organization in Interface Systems). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 34, 66-74; 35, 17-24. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Komarkova, I., & Terziyan, V. (1984). Алгоритм разрешения местоимений в системах машинного анализа текстов. (Pronouns Resolution Algorithms in Text Processing Systems). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 33, 42-48. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Golovina, E., Kolmychek, K., & Terziyan, V. (1984). Принципы проверки семантической правильности естественно-языковых высказываний. (Principles of Semantic Verification of Natural Language Statements). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 32, 64-72. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656




Lovitskii, V., & Terziyan, V. (1981). Кодирование слов в ТВ-структуре. (Words’ Coding in TB-Structure). Проблемы бионики (Problemy Bioniki), 26, 60-68. Kharkiv: State University Publishing. ISSN 0555-2656





Papers in Conference Proceedings and Key Presentations



Terziyan, V. & Kaikova, O. (2024). Hybrid Additive Manufacturing: A Convergence of Physical, Digital, and Social Realms Driven by Generative AI. In: H. Fujita et al. (Eds.), Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Theory and Applications. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14748, pp. 427–441). Springer. .

(JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2024). Adversarial Learning, Adversarial Games, and Adversarial Collective Intelligence: Exploring the Potential of AI for Strategic Superiority. In: O. Kaikova & T. Tiihonen (Eds.), Presentations of the WARN Project Workshop. Cergy, France, May 15, 2024.



Terziyan, V. (2024). Adversarial Analytics – Adversarial Maintenance – Adversarial AI: A New Bermuda Triangle? In: F. Sobieczky (ed.), Presentations of the Hagenberg Prescriptive Analytics Days 2024. Hagenberg, Austria, April 4, 2024.




Terziyan, V. (2023). Digital Cloning: Towards Responsible Use of AI. In: P. Hartikainen (Ed.), Presentations of the KONE Cybersecurity Week. Espoo, Finland, October 23-28, 2023.




Golovianko, M., Gryshko, S. & Terziyan, V. (2018). From Deep Learning to Deep University: Cognitive Development of Intelligent Systems. In: J. Szymański & Y. Velegrakis (Eds.), Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10546, pp. 80-85). Springer, Cham.

(JUFO_ID = 82183; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2018). Wearable Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive vs. Physical Capability Enhancement. In: Presentations of the COST CA16116 MC/WG Meeting (WearableRobots: Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions). Darmstadt, Germany, March 5-6, 2018.




Terziyan, V., Golovianko, M., & Cochez, M. (2017). TB-Structure: Collective Intelligence for Exploratory Keyword Search. In: A. Calì, D. Gorgan & M. Ugarte (Eds.). Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10151, pp. 171-178). Springer, Cham.

(JUFO_ID = 82183; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Cochez, M., Terziyan, V., & Ermolayev, V. (2015). Balanced Large Scale Knowledge Matching Using LSH Forest. In: J. Cardoso, F. Guerra, G.-J. Houben, A. M. Pinto & Y. Velegrakis (Eds.). Semantic Keyword-based Search on Structured Data Sources (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9398, pp. 36-50).

(JUFO_ID = 82183; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Helfenstein, S., Kaikova, O., Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2014). Emotional Business Intelligence. In: L. Gomes, J. Wtorek, A. Costa, H. Sawada, M. Manic & P. Strumillo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI-2014) (pp. 14-21). IEEE. .2014.6860441

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(See relevant presentation material here).




Khriyenko, O., Terziyan, V., & Kaikova, O. (2012). User-Assisted Semantic Interoperability in Internet of Things. Visually-Facilitated Ontology Alignment through Visually-Enriched Ontology and Thing Descriptions. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (pp. 104-110). IARIA XPS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 7961; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Presentation slides are here).




Cochez, M., & Terziyan, V. (2012). Quality of an Ontology as a Dynamic Optimisation Problem. In: V. Ermolayev, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer (ICTERI-2012) (, pp. 249-256). ISSN 1613-0073

(JUFO_ID = 53269; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2012). Global Understanding Environment: Towards Self-Managed Web of Everything. In: M. Rautiainen et al. (Eds.), Grid and Pervasive Computing Workshops, GPC-2011 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7096, pp. 1-2). Springer, Berlin: Heidelberg.

(JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Slides of the Keynote Speech is here).

(Photo from the Keynote Speech).




Terziyan, V., & Kaykova, O. (2011). Towards "Executable Reality”: Business Intelligence on Top of Linked Data. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology (BUSTECH-2011) (pp. 26-33). IARIA XPS Press, ISBN: 978-1-61208-160-1

(JUFO_ID = 7961; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Presentation slides are here).

(Best paper award).

(See also presentation at panel discussion titled: Bridging Webs for Future Business: "Everything-as-a-User").




Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., Nagy, M. (2010). Mastering Intelligent Clouds: Engineering Intelligent Data Processing Services in the Cloud. In: J. Gilipe, J. Andrade & J.-L. Ferrier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2010) (Vol.1, pp. 174-181). SciTePress.

(JUFO_ID = 8695; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Presentation slides are here).




Khriyenko, O., Nikitin, S., & Terziyan, V. (2010). Context-Policy-Configuration: Paradigm of Intelligent Autonomous System Creation. In: J. Filipe & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2010) (Vol. 2, pp. 198-205). SciTePress.

(JUFO_ID = 8695; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Presentation slides are here).




Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., & Lappalainen, M. (2010). SOFIA: Agent Scenario for Forest Industry - Tailoring UBIWARE Platform Towards Industrial Agent-driven Solutions. In: J. Filipe & J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2010) (Vol. 1, pp. 15-22). SciTePress.

(JUFO_ID = 8695; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., Kaykova, O., & Zhovtobryukh, D. (2010). UbiRoad: Semantic Middleware for Context-Aware Smart Road Environments. In: G.O. Bellot, H. Sasaki, M. Ehmann & C. Dini (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW-2010) (pp. 295-302). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

 (Presentation slides are here).

(Best paper award).




Terziyan, V. (2009). Semantic and Agent Technologies for Distributed e-Health. In: Sosiaali- ja Terveydenhuollon Tietojen-käsittelyn Tutkimuspäivät (Social and Health Care Data-Processing Days). Keynote Speech, 28.05.2009. University of Jyvaskyla.




Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2009). Similarity/Closeness-Based Resource Browser. In: J.J. Zhang (Ed.), Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP-2009) (pp. 184-191). ACTA Press, ISBN: 978-0-88986-800-7


(JUFO_ID = 5019; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Kesäniemi, J., Katasonov, A., & Terziyan, V. (2009). An Observation Framework for Multi-Agent Systems. In: R. Calinescu et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2009) (pp. 336-341). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Katasonov, A., & Terziyan, V. (2009). Semantic Approach to Dynamic Coordination in Autonomous Systems. In: R. Calinescu et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2009) (pp. 321-329). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).

(Best paper award).




Nikitin, S., Katasonov, A., & Terziyan, V. (2009). Ontonuts: Reusable Semantic Components for Multi-Agent Systems. In: R. Calinescu et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2009) (pp. 200-207). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., Zhovtobryukh, D., & Katasonov, A. (2009). Proactive Future Internet: Smart Semantic Middleware for Overlay Architecture. In: J. L. Mauri et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS-2009) (pp. 149-154). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Katasonov, A., & Terziyan, V. (2008). Semantic Agent Programming Language (S-APL): A Middleware Platform for the Semantic Web. In: Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC-2008) (pp. 504-511). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Katasonov, A., Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Nikitin, S., & Terziyan, V. (2008). Smart Semantic Middleware for the Internet of Things. In: J. Filipe, J. A. Cetto & J.-L. Ferrier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5-th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (Vol. 1, pp. 169-178). SciTePress.

(JUFO_ID = 8695; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Presentation slides are here).



Terziyan, V., Vitko, O., & Koreyko, N. (2007). The Ontological Scientific-Educational Portal. In: A. Hopkinson & T. Zargaryan (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference “Information Technologies in Education in the 21st Century" (pp. 42-45). Middlesex University Press.

(JUFO_ID = 5689; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).



Katasonov, A., & Terziyan, V. (2007). SmartResource Platform and Semantic Agent Programming Language (S-APL). In: P. Petta et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5-th German Conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies (MATES’07) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4687, pp. 25-36). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2007). Predictive and Contextual Feature Separation for Bayesian Metanetworks. In: B. Apolloni, R. J. Howlett & L. Jain (Eds.), Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2007 – WIRN 2007) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4694, pp. 634-644). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

(JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Salmenjoki, K., Tsaruk, Y., Terziyan, V., & Viitala, M. (2007). Agent-Based Approach for Electricity Distribution Systems. In: J. Cardoso & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2007) (Vol. 1, pp. 382-389). SciTePress.

(JUFO_ID = 8695; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Presentation slides are here).




Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., & Pyotsia, J. (2007). Data Integration Solution for Paper Industry - A Semantic Storing Browsing and Annotation Mechanism for Online Fault Data. In: J. Zaytoon, J.-L. Ferrier, J. A. Cetto & J. Filipe (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2007) (Vol. 2, pp. 191-194). SciTePress.

(JUFO_ID = 8695; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).

(Poster is here).




Naumenko, A., Katasonov, A., & Terziyan, V. (2007). A Security Framework for Smart Ubiquitous Industrial Resources. In: R. Goncalves, J. P. Müller, K. Mertins & M. Zelm  (Eds.),  Enterprise Interoperability II: New Challenges and Approaches (pp. 183-194). Springer, London.

(JUFO_ID = 5952; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2006). Bayesian Metanetwork for Context-Sensitive Feature Relevance. In: G. Antoniou, G. Potamias, C. Spyropoulos & D. Plexousakis (Eds.), Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 4-th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2006) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3955, pp. 356-366). Springer, Berlin: Heidelberg.

(JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Naumenko, A., Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., & Veijalainen, J. (2005). Using UDDI for Publishing Metadata of the Semantic Web. In: M. Bramer & V. Terziyan (Eds.), Industrial Applications of Semantic Web: Proceedings of the 1-st International IFIP/WG12.5 Working Conference (IASW-2005) (pp. 141-159). Springer, Boston, MA.

(JUFO_ID = 5952; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).

(Presentation slides are here).




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2005). RgbDF: Resource Goal and Behaviour Description Framework. In: M. Bramer & V. Terziyan (Eds.), Industrial Applications of Semantic Web: Proceedings of the 1-st International IFIP/WG12.5 Working Conference (IASW-2005) (pp. 83-99). Springer, Boston, MA.

(JUFO_ID = 5952; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).

(Presentation slides are here).




Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., Tsaruk, Y., & Zharko, A. (2005). Querying Dynamic and Context-Sensitive Metadata in Semantic Web. In: V. Gorodetsky, J. Liu & V. A. Skormin (Eds.), Autonomous Intelligent Systems: Agents and Data Mining (AIS-ADM-2005) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3505, pp. 200-214). Springer, Berlin: Heidelberg.

(JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., Kaykova, O., Vitko, O., & Titova, L. (2005). Ontology-Based International Degree Recognition. Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, 7(4), 38-40. ISSN 1438-0625. IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 75698; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2005). SmartResource: Utilizing Semantic Web Services to Monitor Industrial Devices. In: A. Heimburger, T. Kauppinen, H. Lehtinen, J. Multisilta, M. Paajanen & K. Rytkonen (Eds.), XML - the Enabling Technology for Integrating Business Processes (pp. 89-103). Tampere University of Technology. ISBN 952-15-1312-8, ISSN 1795-2166

(Presentation slides are here).




Salmenjoki, K., & Terziyan, V. (2005). Approaching Web-Based Expertise with Semantic Web. In: G. Papadourakis & I. Lazaridis (Eds.), New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education. Proceedings of the 4-th International Conference NHIBE-2005 (pp. 310-315).

(Presentation slides are here).




Keleberda, I., Lesna, N., Makovetskiy, S., & Terziyan, V. (2004). Personalized Distance Learning based on Multiagent Ontological System. In: E. Kinshuk et al (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4-th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (777-779). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2004). Learning Bayesian Metanetworks from Data with Multilevel Uncertainty. In: M. Bramer & V. Devedzic (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI-2014) (pp. 187-196). Springer, Boston, MA.

(JUFO_ID = 5952; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).

(Presentation slides are here).




Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2004). OntoSmartResource: An Industrial Resource Generation in Semantic Web. In: R. Schoop, A. Colombo, R. Bernhardt & G. Schreck (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’04) (pp. 175-179). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Kaykova, O., Kononenko, O., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2004). Community Formation Scenarios in Peer-to-Peer Web Service Environments. In: M. H. Hamza (Ed.), Databases and Applications (DBA 2004) (pp. 62-67). ACTA Press.

(JUFO_ID = 5019; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Khriyenko, O., Kononenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2004). OntoEnvironment: An Integration Infrastructure for Distributed Heterogeneous Resources. In: M. H. Hamza (Ed.), Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2004) (pp. 319-324). ACTA Press.

(JUFO_ID = 5019; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2004). Semantic Web Services for Smart Devices Based on Mobile Agents. In: J. M. Gomez (Ed.), Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent Mobile Agents in Peer-To-Peer Networks: Forth International Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS’2004) (pp. 10-16). ICSC Academic Press, Canada.

 (Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2003). Semantic Web Services for Smart Devices in a “Global Understanding Environment”. In: R. Meersman & Z. Tari (Eds.), On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: OTM 2003 Workshops (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2889, pp. 279-291). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., & Vitko, O. (2003). Bayesian Metanetwork for Modelling User Preferences in Mobile Environment. In: A. Gunter, R. Kruse & B. Neumann (Eds.), KI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2821, pp. 370-384). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation poster is here).




Terziyan, V., & Kononenko, O. (2003). Semantic Web Enabled Web Services: State-of-Art and Industrial Challenges. In: M. Jeckle & L.-J. Zhang (Eds.), Web Services - ICWS-Europe 2003 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2853, pp. 183-197). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Jonker, C., Terziyan, V., & Treur, J. (2003). Temporal and Spatial Analysis to Personalize an Agent’s Dynamic Belief, Desire and Intention Profiles. In: M. Klush, A. Omicini, S. Ossowski & H. Laamanen (Eds.), Cooperative Information Agents VII: Proceedings of the 7-th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2003) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2782, pp. 298-315). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


(JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V., & Ryabov, V. (2003). Abstract Diagnostics Based on Uncertain Temporal Scenarios. In: M. Mohammadian (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA-2003) (pp. 327-337). ISBN 1740880684. University of Canberra, Australia.




Ryabov, V., & Terziyan, V. (2003). Industrial Diagnostics Using Algebra of Uncertain Temporal Relations. In: M. H. Hamza (Ed.), Applied Informatics (AI-2003) (pp.351-356). ACTA Press.

(JUFO_ID = 5019; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Veijalainen, J., Terziyan, V., & Tirri, H. (2003). Transaction Management for M-Commerce at a Mobile Terminal. In: Proceedings of the 36-th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’03)  (10 pp.). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 56894; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V. (2002). Ontological Modelling of E-Services to Ensure Appropriate Mobile Transactions. In: D. O'Leary & A. Preece (Eds.), AI for Intelligent Business: Workshop in conjunction with ES2002: the 22nd Annual International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 13-26). SGAI, UK.

 (Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V. (2002). Ontology-Driven Transaction Monitor for Mobile Services. In: Proceedings of the KR 2002 Workshop on Formal Ontology, Knowledge Representation and Intelligent Systems for the World Wide Web (SemWeb@KR2002) (12 pp.). Toulouse, France.




Virrantaus, K., Veijalainen, J., Markkula, J., Katasonov, A., Garmash, A., Tirri, H., & Terziyan, V. (2001). Developing GIS-Supported Location-Based Services. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (Vol. 2, pp. 66-75). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 5475; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Terziyan, V. (2001). Architecture for Mobile P-Commerce: Multilevel Profiling Framework. In: A. Preece (Ed.), Proceedings of the IJCAI-2001 International Workshop "E-Business and the Intelligent Web" (12 pp.).


(JUFO_ID = 58173; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).

(Brief presentation of the concept is here).




Terziyan, V. (2001). Dynamic Integration of Virtual Predictors. In: L. I. Kuncheva, F. Steimann, C. Haefke, M. Aladjem & V. Novak (Eds.), Proceedings of the International ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence: Methods and Applications (CIMA'2001) (pp. 463-469). ICSC Academic Press, Canada/The Netherlands.

 (Presentation slides are here).




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (2000). A Similarity Evaluation Technique for Data Mining with an Ensemble of Classifiers. In: A. M. Tjoa, R. R. Wagner & A. Al-Zobaidie (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (pp. 1155-1159). IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, CA.

(JUFO_ID = 5474; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Kaikova, H., Terziyan, V., & Omelayenko, B. (2000). Recognizing Bounds of Context Change in On-Line Learning. In: M. Khosrowpour (Ed.), Challenges of Information Technology Management in the 21st Century (pp. 236-239). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.

(JUFO_ID = 5471; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., & Omelayenko, B. (2000). Rational Ordering and Clustering Examples for Incremental Learning. In: Intelligent Methods: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence for Decision, Control and Automation in Engineering and Industrial Applications (ACIDCA’2000) (pp. 9-14).




Puuronen, S., Tsymbal, A., & Terziyan, V. (2000). Distance Functions in Dynamic Integration of Data Mining Techniques. In: B. V. Dasarathy (Ed.), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools and Technology II (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4057, pp. 22-32).

(JUFO_ID = 71479; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Terziyan V., Omelayenko B., & Puuronen, S. (2000). Expanding Context Against Weighted Voting of Classifiers. In: B. V. Dasarathy (Ed.), Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications IV (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4051, pp. 35-42).

(JUFO_ID = 71479; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Akimov, A., Terziyan, V., & Garmash, A. (2000). Pilot Clinical Evaluation of Prototype System for Visually Reporting the Results of Ultrasound Examination. In: E. A. Krupinski (Ed.), Medical Imaging 2000: Image Perception and Performance (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3981, pp. 201-207).

(JUFO_ID = 71479; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Terziyan, V., Puuronen, S., & Kaikova, H. (2000). An Interval Approach to Discover Knowledge from Multiple Fuzzy Estimations. In: B. Radig, H. Niemann, Y. Zhuravlev & I. Gourevitch (Eds.), Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding. 5th Open German-Russian Workshop (pp. 235-243). Amsterdam: IOS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 5548; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).

(The complete paper is here).

(More details are here).




Tsymbal, A., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1999). Arbiter Meta-Learning with Dynamic Selection of Classifiers and its Experimental Investigation. In: J. Eder, I. Rozman & T. Welzer (Eds.), Advances in Databases and Information Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1691, pp. 205-217). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Skrypnik, I., Terziyan, V., Puuronen, S., & Tsymbal, A. (1999). Learning Feature Selection for Medical Databases. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems CBMS'99 (pp. 53-58). Stamford: CT. IEEE CS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 65469; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., Katasonov, A., & Tsymbal, A. (1999). Dynamic Integration of Multiple Data Mining Techniques in a Knowledge Discovery Management System. In: B. V. Dasarathy (Ed.), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology (Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3695, pp. 128-139).

(JUFO_ID = 71479; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Omelayenko, B., Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1999). Managing Training Examples for Fast Learning of Classifiers Ranks. In: Ch. Freytag & V. Wolfengagen (Eds.), CSIT'99 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies (pp. 139-148). MEPhI Publishing: Moscow.

 (The complete paper is here).




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., & Tsymbal, A. (1999). Dynamic Integration of Data Mining Methods Using Selection in a Knowledge Discovery Management System. In: M. Mohammadian (Ed.), Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation: Intelligent Image Processing, Data Analysis & Information Retrieval (pp. 272-277). Amsterdam: IOS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 5548; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., & Logvinovsky, A. (1999). Mining Several Data Bases with an Ensemble of Classifiers. In: T. Bench-Capon, G. Soda & M. Tjoa (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1677, pp. 882-891). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).

(The paper at IEEE.




Terziyan, V., Puuronen, S., & Kaikova, H. (1999). Handling Uncertainty by Decontextualizing Estimated Intervals. In: J. Vehí & M. Á. Sainz (Eds.), Proceedings of MISC'99 - Workshop on Applications of Interval Analysis to Systems and Control with Special Emphasis on Recent Advances in Modal Interval Analysis(pp. 111-121). Girona: Univ., Dep. of Publications.




Ryabov, V., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1999). Representation and Reasoning with Uncertain Temporal Relations. In: A. M. Kumar & I. Russel (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium Conference (FLAIRS-99) (pp. 449-453). AAAI Press, Menlo-Park, CA.

(JUFO_ID = 5001; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., Tsymbal, A., & Puuronen, S. (1999). Flexible Arithmetic for Huge Numbers with Recursive Series of Operations. In: Proceedings of the 13-th AAECC Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error-Correcting Codes (33-34).

(Presentation slides are here).




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., & Tsymbal, A. (1999). A Dynamic Integration Algorithm for an Ensemble of Classifiers. In: Z. W. Ras, A. Skowron (Eds.), Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 11th International Symposium ISMIS'99 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1609, pp. 592-600). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1999). Knowledge Acquisition Based on Semantic Balance of Internal and External Knowledge. In: I. Imam, Y. Kondratoff, A. El-Dessouki & A. Moonis (Eds.), Multiple Approaches to Intelligent Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1611, pp. 353-361). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Brief presentation of the concept is here).

(More details are here).




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1999). Knowledge Acquisition from Multiple Experts Based on Semantics of Concepts. In: D. Fensel & R. Studer (Eds.), Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1621, pp. 259-273). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Link to the full text of the paper).




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1999). A Similarity Evaluation Technique for Cooperative Problem Solving with a Group of Agents. In: M. Klush, O. M. Shehory & G. Weiss (Eds.), Cooperative Information Agents III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1652, pp. 163-174). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

 (JUFO_ID = 62555; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation slides are here).




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., & Omelayenko, B. (1999). Multiple Experts Voting: Two Rank Refinement Strategies. In: K. Despotidis & C. Zopounidis (Eds.), Integrating Technology and Human Decisions: Global Bridges into the 21st Century, Proceedings of the DSI’99 5-th International Conference (Vol. 1, pp. 634-636).




Tsymbal, A., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1998). Advanced Dynamic Selection of Diagnostic Methods. In: Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems CBMS’98 (pp. 50-54). Lubbock: TX. IEEE CS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 65469; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Logvinovsky, A., Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1998). Handling Mutual Inconsistencies of Numerical Data in Multiple Databases. In: STeP-98 - Human and Artificial Information Processing (Publications of the Finnish AI Society, 1998, pp. 80-87).




Omelayenko, B., Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1998). Multiple Expert Knowledge Acquisition: Experimental Investigation of Three Voting Strategies. In: STeP-98 - Human and Artificial Information Processing (Publications of the Finnish AI Society, 1998, pp. 88-97).




Ryabov, V., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1998). Uncertain Relations between Temporal Points. In: STeP-98 - Human and Artificial Information Processing (Publications of the Finnish AI Society, 1998, pp. 114-123).




Tsymbal, A., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1998). A Technique for Advanced Dynamic Integration of Multiple Classifiers. In: STeP-98 - Human and Artificial Information Processing (Publications of the Finnish AI Society, 1998, pp. 71-79).

(Presentation slides are here).




Kaikova, H., & Terziyan, V. (1997). Temporal Knowledge Acquisition From Multiple Experts. In: P. Shoval & A. Silberschatz (Eds.), Proceedings of NGITS’97 - The Third International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems (pp. 44 - 55).

 (Presentation slides are here).




Terziyan, V., Puuronen, S., & Kovalainen, M. (1997). Decision Support System for Telemedicine Based on Multiple Expertise. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems CBMS’97 (pp. 8-13). Maribor: Slovenia. IEEE CS Press.

(JUFO_ID = 65469; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1997). The Voting-type Technique in the Refinement of Multiple Expert Knowledge. In: R. H. Sprague (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (Vol. 5, pp. 287-296). IEEE.

(JUFO_ID = 56894; JUFO_LEVEL = 1).

(Presentation material is here).




Kaikova, H., Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1997). The Role of Ukrainian Universities in the Development of the Global Information Society. In: J. Berleur & D. Whitehouse (Eds.), An Ethical Global Information Society: Culture and Democracy Revisited (pp. 215-225). Springer, Boston, MA.

(JUFO_ID = 5952; JUFO_LEVEL = 2).




Kaikova, H., Ryabov, V., & Terziyan, V. (1997). Development Methods and Tools to Study Information Balance in Medical Applications. In: Organism Functions and Conditions Evaluation: Proceedings of the Second International Conference Radiomed-97 (pp. 20-23). Moscow.




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., & Tsymbal, A. (1997). Multiple Expertise in Telemedicine Decision Support System. In: International Meeting on Information Technology: Printed matters of the MicroCAD’97 (Vol. 5, pp. 367-371). Kharkov-Miskolc.




Terziyan, V., Maryin, S., Stephan, A., & Huebenthal, F. (1997). A Multilevel Metarules Models with Flexible Level Management. In: 42. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium (Vortragsreihen, Vol. 2, pp. 21-23). Technical University of Ilmenau. ISSN 0943-7207




Kaikova, H., Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1997). Software Engineering Education in the Ukraine: Towards Co-operation with Finnish Universities. In: Taipale M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the ISSEU’97 - International Symposium on Software Engineering in Universities (pp.109-116). Rovaniemi, Finland.




Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1997). Multilevel Context Representation Using Semantic Metanetwork. In: Context-97 - Proceedings of the First International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (pp. 21-32). Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

(Presentation slides are here).




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1997). Colleague-Oriented Interpretation of Knowledge Acquired from Multiple Experts. In D. Patterson, G. Leedham, K. Warendorf & T. A. Hwee (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint 1997 Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems/Singapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems (PACES/SPICIS’97) (pp. 737-741). Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.

 (Presentation slides are here).




Kaikova, H., Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1997). Technique to Evaluate a Comprehension-Based Interface for Multiple Experts. In: T. Ciftcibasi, M. Karaman & V. Atalay (Eds.), New Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. Proceedings of the 6th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN’97) (pp. 267-271). Ankara: EMO Scientific Books.




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1996). Modeling Consensus Knowledge from Multiple Sources Based on Semantics of Concepts. In: M. Albrecht & B. Thalheim (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop Challenges of Application and Challenges of Design, 15-th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling ER’96 (pp. 133-146). Brandenburg Technical University.

(Presentation slides are here).




Huebenthal, F., Dudar, Z., Mokry, Y., & Terziyan, V. (1996). Introduction to Graphical Modeling Based on Cellular Metaautomata. In: Signal / Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of the Third All-Ukrainian International Conference UkrOBRAZ'96 (pp. 273-275). Kiev: UAsIPPR.




Puuronen, S., Terziyan, V., Kaikova, H., Lesnaya, N., & Mokry, Y. (1996). Introduction to Statistical Models of Cellular Automata in Systems for Emergency Situations Prediction. In: Signal / Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of the Third All-Ukrainian International Conference UkrOBRAZ'96 (pp. 282-284). Kiev: UAsIPPR.




Grebenyuk, V., Kaikova, H., Terziyan, V., & Puuronen, S. (1996). The Law of Semantic Balance and its Use in Modeling Possible Worlds. In: STeP-96 - Genes, Nets and Symbols (Publications of the Finnish AI Society, 1996, pp. 97-103).

(Brief presentation of the Semantic Balance concept is here and here).




Grebenyuk, V., Kaikova, H., & Terziyan, V. (1995). Multilevel Automatic Diagnostics Based on Models of Speech Behavior. In: Radioelectronics in Medicine Diagnostics: Proceedings of the First International Conference Radiomed-95 (pp. 131-139). Moscow.




Terziyan, V., & Tkachuk, A. (1995). Multilevel Models for Speech-Based Diagnostics. In: Radioelectronics in Medicine Diagnostics: Proceedings of the First International Conference Radiomed-95 (pp. 140-143). Moscow.




Grebenyuk, V., Kaikova, H., & Terziyan, V. (1994). Fundamentals of Multilevel Pattern Recognition. In: Signal / Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of the Third All-Ukrainian International Conference UkrOBRAZ'94 (pp. 25-29). Kiev: UAsIPPR.




Bondarenko, M., Terziyan, V., & Tkachuk, A. (1994). Multilevel Models for Representation of Quasi-Periodical Temporal Patterns. In: Signal / Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of the Third All-Ukrainian International Conference UkrOBRAZ'94 (pp. 76-80). Kiev: UAsIPPR.




Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1992). A Metasemantic Network. In: E. Hyvonen, J. Seppanen & M. Syrjanen (Eds.), SteP-92 - New Directions in Artificial Intelligence (Publications of the Finnish AI Society, 1992, Vol. 1, pp. 136-143).




Bondarenko, M., & Terziyan, V. (1990). Methods of Natural Language Control in Artificial Intelligence Systems. In: Artificial Intelligence-90: Proceedings of the II Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (pp. 99-102). Minsk.




Preprints (arXiv)



Semenets, V., Gryshko, S., Golovianko, M., Shevchenko, O., Titova, L., Kaikova, O., Terziyan, V., & Tiihonen, T. (2021). How the University Portal Inspired Changes in the Academic Assessment Culture. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.14154.

(JUFO_ID = 75650; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Semenets, V., Terziyan, V., Gryshko, S., & Golovianko, M. (2021). Assessment and Decision-Making in Universities: Analytics of the Administration-Staff Compromises. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.10560.

(JUFO_ID = 75650; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).




Terziyan, V., & Nikulin, A. (2019). Ignorance-Aware Approaches and Algorithms for Prototype Selection in Machine Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.06054.

(JUFO_ID = 75650; JUFO_LEVEL = 0).







Terziyan, V. (1993). Multilevel Models for Knowledge Bases Control and Their Applications to Automated Information Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences Degree Thesis (409 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics. (Original title: Многоуровневые динамические модели управления базами знаний и их применение в автоматизированных информационных системах).




Terziyan, V. (1984). Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Semantic Analysis Problem for Natural Language Texts. Candidate of Technical Sciences Degree Thesis (210 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics. (Original title: Теоретическое и экспериментальное исследование проблемы семантического анализа естественно-языковых высказываний).





Technical Reports



Terziyan, V., Golovianko, M., Branytskyi, V., Malyk, D., & Gryshko, S. (2021). Implementing and Training the Immune System (Attack Detector). Technical Report (Annex 3, Deliverable 3, pp. 1-19). NATO SPS G511 Project IMMUNE: “Cyber-Defence for Intelligent Systems”.



Golovianko, M., Gryshko, S., Kaikova, O., Terziyan, V., & Titova, L. (2013). Концепція забезпечення якості вищої освіти Украіни. (A Quality Assurance Concept for Higher Education of Ukraine). Technical Report (25 pp.). TRUST Project (516935-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-FITEMPUS-SMGR): Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.




Cochez, M., Periaux, J., Terziyan, V., Kamlyk, K., & Tuovinen, T. (2014). Evolutionary Cloud for Cooperative UAV Coordination. Reports of the Department of Mathematical Information Technology. (Series C: Software and Computational Engineering, No. C 1/2014, 20 pp.). ISBN 9789513957292, ISSN 14564378. University of Jyvaskyla.




Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (Eds.). (2010). UBIWARE (Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing) Final Project Report. Technical Report (50 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Final Report is here).

(Find UBIWARE platform documentation and UBIWARE download package here).




Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (Eds.). (2010). UBIWARE (Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing) Annual (2010) Report. Technical Report (32 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Terziyan, V., Nagy, M., Cochez, M., Pilli-Sihvola, V., Kesäniemi, J., & Khriyenko, O. (2010). UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 3.1 (Deliverable 3.4). Technical Report (21 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 3.1 is here).

(Find UBIWARE platform documentation and UBIWARE download package here).




Terziyan, V., Khriyenko, O., Nikitin, S., Nagy, M., Kesäniemi, J., Cochez, M., & Pulkkis, A. (2010). UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 3.0 (Deliverable 3.3). Technical Report (45 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 3.0 is here).




Terziyan, V., Khriyenko, O., Nagy, M., Nikitin, S., & Pulkkis, A. (2010). UBIWARE: Industrial Cases (Deliverable 3.2). Technical Report (40 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Industrial Cases is here).




Terziyan, V., Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Nagy, M., & Nikitin, S. (2009). Individual Multi-Resource Orchestration in UBIWARE (Deliverable 3.1). Technical Report (63 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the Individual Multi-Resource Orchestration in UBIWARE is here).




Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (Eds.). (2009). UBIWARE (Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing) Annual (2009) Report. Technical Report (30 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Terziyan, V., Khriyenko, O., Nikitin, S., & Nagy, M. (2009). UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 2.0 (Deliverable 2.3). Technical Report (26 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 2.0 is here).




Terziyan, V., Katasonov, A., Khriyenko, O., Nagy, M., Nikitin, S., & Vapa, M. (2009). UBIWARE: Industrial Cases – Second Status Report (Deliverable 2.2). Technical Report (35 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Industrial Cases – Second Status Report is here).




Terziyan, V., Bleier, A., Ivanchenko, Y., Katasonov, A., Kaykova, O., Kesäniemi, J., Khriyenko, O., Nagy, M., Nikitin, S., Szydlowski, M., & Vapa, M. (2008). Individual Resources and Inter-Resource Communication in UBIWARE (Deliverable 2.1). Technical Report (116 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the Individual Resources and Inter-Resource Communication in UBIWARE is here).




Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (Eds.). (2008). UBIWARE (Smart Semantic Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing) Annual (2008) Report. Technical Report (31 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Katasonov, A., Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Nikitin, S., & Terziyan, V. (2008). UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 1.0 (Deliverable 1.3). Technical Report (46 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Platform Prototype v. 1.0 is here).




Katasonov, A., Loboda, O., Nikitin, S., & Terziyan, V. (2008). UBIWARE: Progress Statuses of the Industrial Cases (Deliverable 1.2). Technical Report (37 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the UBIWARE Progress Statuses of the Industrial Cases is here).




Katasonov, A., Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Loboda, O., Naumenko, A., Nikitin, S., & Terziyan, V. (2007). The Central Principles and Tools of UBIWARE (Deliverable 1.1). Technical Report (119 pp.). UBIWARE Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Brief presentation of the Central Principles and Tools of UBIWARE is here).




Terziyan, V. (Ed.). (2007). Smart Resource (Proactive Self-Maintained Resources in Semantic Web) Final Project Report. Technical Report (98 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the SmartResource Final Report is here).




Terziyan, V. (Ed.). (2006). SmartResource Annual 2006 Report. Technical Report (13 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Katasonov, A., Khriyenko, O., Nikitin, S., & Terziyan, V. (2006). SmartResource Platform for Web-Service Interaction’s Semantic Log (Deliverable 3.3). Technical Report (18 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the SmartResource platform is here).

(Download SmartResource platform here).




Katasonov, A., Khriyenko, O., Terziyan, V., & Tsaruk, Y. (2006). SmartResource Platform in Distributed Power Networks Maintenance (Deliverable 3.2). Technical Report (28 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the SmartResource platform is here).

(Download SmartResource platform here).




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2006). General Networking Framework (Deliverable 3.1). Technical Report (24 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the General Networking Framework is here).




Terziyan, V. (Ed.). (2005). SmartResource Annual 2005 Report. Technical Report (19 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Naumenko, A., Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2005). SmartResource Prototype Environment: Version 2.0 (Deliverable 2.3). Technical Report (28 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the SmartResource prototype environment v. 2.0 is here).




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2005). Design of the SmartResource Platform (Deliverable 2.2). Technical Report (26 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the SmartResource platform design is here).




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2005). General Proactivity Framework (Pro-GAF) (Deliverable 2.1). Technical Report (16 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the General Proactivity Framework is here).

(Find XML-serialized RGBDF-schema here).




Terziyan, V. (Ed.). SmartResource Annual 2004 Report. Technical Report (20 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Kovtun, D., Marttinen, J., Naumenko, A., Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., Tsaruk, Y., & Zharko, A. (2004). SmartResource Prototype Environment: Version 1.0 (Deliverable 1.3). Technical Report (79 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the SmartResource prototype environment v. 1.0 is here).

(Find SmartResource v. 1.0 source code and documentation here).

(Find SmartResource v. 1.0 installation package here).




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Kovtun, D., Marttinen, J., Naumenko, A., Nikitin, S., Terziyan, V., Tsaruk, Y., & Zharko, A. (2004). General Adaptation Framework: Framework for Semantic Adaptation of Maintenance Resources (Deliverable 1.2). Technical Report (45 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the General Adaptation Framework is here)




Kaykova, O., Khriyenko, O., Naumenko, A., Terziyan, V., & Zharko, A. (2004). Resource State/Condition Description Framework (RscDF) (Deliverable 1.1). Technical Report (27 pp.). SmartResource Project: University of Jyvaskyla.

 (Presentation of the Resource State/Condition Description Framework is here).

(Find XML-serialized RscDF-schema here).

(Find samples of maintenance ontologies here).




Terziyan, V., Kaykova, H., Klochko, O., Taranov, A., Khriyenko, O., Kononenko, O., & Zharko, A. (2004). Semantic Search Facilitator: Concept and Current State of Development. Technical Report (Chapter 3.1.3: “Industrial Ontologies and Semantic Web”). InBCT project: University of Jyvaskyla.

(Brief presentation on the Semantic Search Facilitator is here).




Terziyan, V., Zharko, A., Kononenko, O., Khriyenko, A., & Pyotsia, J. (2003). Semantic Web: The Future Starts Today. Technical Report. InBCT project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Veijalainen, J., Terziyan, V., Garmash, A., Katasonov, A., & Markkula, J. (2001). Transaction Monitor for Mobile Environment (TM-M). Research Prototype Demo. Multimeetmobile Project: University of Jyvaskyla. In: J. Parsons & O. Sheng (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (In conjunction with ICIS 2001 conference). LSU: Baton Rouge, LA, USA.




Terziyan, V., & Veijalainen, J. (2001). M-Commerce Transaction Model Implementation at a Mobile Terminal. Technical Report (56 pp.). Multimeetmobile Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Terziyan, V., Veijalainen, J., & Tirri, H. (2000). Mobile e-Commerce Transaction Model. Technical Report (40 pp.). Multimeetmobile Project: University of Jyvaskyla.




Terziyan, V., et al. (Eds.). (1998). Virtual and Distant Learning Laboratory (Video Presentation). East Ukrainian Virtual University Project: Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics.




Teaching Manuals




Terziyan, V., Kaykova, O., Klymova, M., Shevchenko, O., Biloivanenko, M., & Vitko, O. (2008). Manual for Resource Management within the Educational Ontology Web Portal. Teaching Manual (40 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics: EU Tempus-Tacis SCM # T020B06 Project. (Original title: Методичні вказівки з менеджменту ресурсів з використанням онтологічного WEB-порталу).




Terziyan, V., Kaykova O., Shevchenko, O., Klymova, M., Biloivanenko, M., & Titova, L. (2008). Manual for Ontology-Based Annotation of Educational Resources. Teaching Manual (20 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics: EU Tempus-Tacis SCM # T020B06 Project. (Original title: Методичні вказівки з анотування освітніх ресурсів з використанням онтологічного підходу).




Vitko, O., & Terziyan, V. (2000). The Set of Manuals for Management of Students’ M.Sc. Thesis Work. Teaching Manual (70 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics: EU Tempus-Tacis Compact Project UM CP-20560. (Ukrainian version: Збірник методичних вказівок з менеджменту дипломування магістрів).




Bondarenko, M., Grebenyuk, V., & Terziyan, V. (1997). Teaching Manual for the Computer-Supported Master of Science Thesis Work. Teaching Manual (24 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics. (Original title: Методические указания к дипломному проектированию с применением ЭВМ).




Terziyan, V., Bondarenko, M., Grebenyuk, V., & Kaikova, H. (1997). Theory of Multilevel Semantic Networks. Teaching Manual (76 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics. ISBN 5-7763-8326-9. (Original title: Теория многоуровневых семантических сетей).




Terziyan, V., Bondarenko, M., Dudar, Z., Kaikova, H., & Lesna, N. (1995).  Multilevel Dynamic Decision Support Systems. Teaching Manual (100 pp.). Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics. ISBN 5-7763-9955-6. (Original title: Многоуровневые динамические модели принятия решений).




Bondarenko, M., Terziyan, V., & Popkov, I. (1992). Modelling Linguistic Knowledge for Intelligent Natural Language Interfaces. UKR INTEI, 1414-UK92, 235 pp. (Original title: Моделирование лингвистических знаний в интеллектуальных естественно языковых интерфейсах).